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Nov 11 - Unite Sees Formation of Young Members Committee

uniteA delegation of the newly formed Unite Young Members Committee will be travelling to the United Kingdom – Esher Place on the 18th November 2013 to attend a course of young members.

This course focuses on Unite organising Strategy, Community Activism and the key issues young people face in the workplace and wider community.

A statement released by the Union today noted, 'Whether you are working full time, you are a trainee or a student working part-time, Unite is here to help ensure your voice is heard and that your issues are dealt with through representation and advice on pay, working conditions and training.  We would like to see more youngsters joining our union and become active as we strongly believe that the future of all Trade Union values entirely depend on our present Youth joining the union now.'

Following an initial meeting we would like to announce that Jordan Perez has been elected as Chairperson.