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Jul 14 - Alameda Gardening Club Sunflowers Brighten Up the Gardens

sunflowersThe children of the Alameda Gardening Club have once again proved their talent with the planting of a glorious patch of sunflowers, just below the entrance to the Alameda Wildlife Conservation Park.

These golden giants, some of which reach a staggering 8 feet tall, were grown from seed and are a wonderful achievement by the children. Sadly this blast colour will not last forever though, so the public is urged to take advantage of the opportunity to see this magnificent display before the flowers are reduced back to seedpods in the Circle of Life.

Each sunflower has been named by its owner, and the children are thrilled to see which will grow the tallest. The Gardening club will run through July and August as part of the GSLA’s Summer Sports Programme, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for children aged between 6 and 12.

To follow the activities going on at the gardens, you can visit Facebook.