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Jan 15 - Allied Health Professionals Legislation Launched

allied health professionals Yesterday saw the launch of a new law to regulate Allied Health Practitioners in Gibraltar. New legislation will see 23 professions regulated by the UK based ‘Health and Care Professions Council’, the ‘General Chiropractic Council’ and the ‘General Osteopathic Council’. Speaking at the launch, which drew in an impressive audience, Chairman of the Gibraltar Medical Registration Board Dr. Vijay Kumar explained that the process had commenced 17 years ago.

The legislation deals with the registration of private medical professionals, good practice, dealing with complaints and much more. It covers a host of professions including Arts Therapists, Chiropractors, Dentists, Optometrists, Paramedics, Radiographers and Speech and Language Therapists.

Dr. Cortes assured practitioners that these regulations were important for both the public to have confidence in their healthcare, and for the professionals to keep up to date 'and offer the best possible service'. The Minister for Health thanked the voluntary Registration Board for their work.

He went on to insist that the new regulations were in no way meant to stop professionals from carrying out anything that they were legitimately covered to do. He also mentioned that clauses would be put in place for those dealing with setbacks in registering.

The evening continued with introductions by leading members of the Health & Care Professions Council, the General Chiropractic Council and the General Osteopathic Council. The Memorandum of Understanding was officially signed and healthcare professionals were able to voice their concerns over the legislation to those heading it.