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Dec 16 - Gibraltar Waste Management Plan 2013

The Government is pleased to announce the publication of the revised Waste Management Plan. This can be viewed at https://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/environment/environment or at http://www.environmental-agency.gi/

This Management Plan is required to be implemented by the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC). It provides an integrated waste management strategy for Gibraltar’s waste, encompassing the principles of the Waste Hierarchy, the Proximity Principle and the Best Practicable Environmental Option. The existing recycling scheme of aluminium and glass was expanded to include plastics, tetrabrik, paper and cardboard, and most recently ‘Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment’ (WEEE). Government has also embarked on an education programme for Gibraltar, to encourage recycling, waste prevention and minimisation.

The Gibraltar Waste Management Plan provides information on Gibraltar’s current waste streams and their collection, treatment and disposal. It provides a framework to enable decisions to be taken for efficient and sustainable waste management of all waste in Gibraltar and contains guidance on waste prevention.

A waste prevention programme has also been prepared and is incorporated into this plan. The environmental principles of these plans are also reflected in The Environmental Action and Management Plan 2013.