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Editor's Blog Mar 20th 2012

Who really cares?

Since when does one group of people deserve more of an outcry than another, when acts of violence are perpetrated against them? When Sky News tells you, that’s when.

I sat with fascination when the anchor on the two main UK News channels reported on the facts as they unfolded on the killing of innocent people outside a school yesterday.

The story got the main headline and ran in excess of five minutes; the secondary story was that of the 38 people killed and nearly 80 were injured in Iraq yesterday as the usual violence escalated a few notches, this story was accorded less than a minute and not given the warm touchy feely treatment that the main story was given.

What really gets my goat is that although as humans we are all created equal, in the eyes of the media this is not the case. Who cares for the Iraqi people, the Afghans, the Tibetans or any other host of people?

The value of life is apparently proportionate to the amount of money you can pump into the news companies.

This phenomena is also bestowed on celebrities, I always watch with distain when somebody famous goes and kills themselves with drink or drugs and then the media circus makes out how much of a saint that person was, forgetting every little failing or wrong doing in the process.

But what about when Joe average dies? He must be valuable to somebody right? Well at least to his family and friends he is. To the big news corporations he is nothing, just as the poor and disenfranchised people of the world, who only make it to the front page when we want to feel good about ourselves.