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Editor's Blog Mar 29th 2012


Individuality is perhaps one of the greatest of human pursuits. What a sad and drab planet this would be if we were all endowed with the same minds same physical appearance the same everything, now imagine a planet populated by beings that are indistinguishable. No male no female. Everybody communicates in the same way, no funny accents or even any kind of inflection.  Screw it, these beings would communicate with their minds it would be far easier to deal with new ideas, oh wait there can not be any new ideas, as they are all the same and everyone would have had that idea at the same time.

It’s the Olympics time on this planet of sameness; there would be no winners or losers as they are all the same. A trip to the cinema would leave you confused as to who the hero of villain would be; again there could be no such thing. Would there be work, as we know it? Surely somebody would have to empty the piss out of the shoes after some frightening experience, mop up the vomit when sick? Nope, “either they all do it or not”.

You go out on a date. Can there be such a thing as a “me” on Planet Same? I think not, to imply something as self, would require you to be different. The natural progression after a few dates would be to procreate, would this be at all possible? Who will be the daddy or the mummy? Would creating new beings involve any kind of sexual activity, unfortunately no, this would imply sexual appendages of some sort, and we cant have that can we? At least one good thing would come of it, no more penis envy.

“Being different is becoming a very attractive proposition, “I like me”. I must admit I am not the sharpest tool in the box, nor am I the strongest or the most handsome, but I make do where I can and don’t feel aggrieved where I cannot. Not everyone is born to greatness but there is nothing stopping you from trying.

It is because we are different we have all the so-called ills of the world and also everything that is good. If everything is the same there cannot be any progress.

It is those that dare to be different, the ones that raise two fingers at the world and say F@&K You I am not going to toe any line that makes this planet such a wonderful place.  

See you all soon, I am off for my barbers appointment, I think I will get a Mohawk this time.
