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Editor's Blog Apr 26th 2012

Upwardly Mobile

With 7 billion people on the planet and an estimated 5.7 billion mobile phones in circulation, you may say that we are more connected than ever. But have you ever stopped to think if the device you are using is killing you.

There have been many instances where the scientific and medical fraternity has claimed that the danger from low frequency radio waves and the little radiation that is present when making calls, could be harmful to your health.

Scientists and eminent Doctors from the UK now give reassurances that the low frequency radio waves and the little radiation that is produced when using your phone are negligible, but maintain that the use of such devices should be kept to a minimum were children are concerned.

I do not worry about radio waves or radiation, what I do worry about is the people that use mobile phones whilst driving or riding motorcycles. Figures released for a road safety statistic paper from 2008 in Spain, states that 37% of road crashes were due to mobile phone use whilst driving, and the paper goes on to say that it has risen every year since.

Locally, I was amazed yesterday as I took it upon myself to see how many people I could spot using mobile phones whilst using the road. There were ten; six women and four men, two of which were using their mobile whilst in control of a moped.

The moped guy must having been travelling at about 45kph on Line Wall Road, not a care in the world, riding his moped one handed and in an animated conversation. Now if moped guy wants to splatter himself all over the road, then that is totally OK with me. But what if Moped guy plows into a family or a child, what then?

If you use your mobile whilst driving, don’t! Switch the bloody thing off until you have completed your journey. What is so important that you are willing to risk your life and the life of others to stay connected?

SWITCH IT OFF, or you may be disconnected permanently. 
