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Editor's Blog May 21st 2012

Invasion Gibraltar

More nationalistic fervor plastered all over the Internet and Spanish News papers with calls to invade Gibraltar.

A video with some stills and catchy music is calling for just that, made by some ultra right wing nutter going under the name Bioman1001.

Bioman’s video is laughable, until you find that there is a growing and disturbing trend in the last couple of weeks by the Spanish media to portray Gibraltar as the aggressor.

On the cover of the Razon newspaper on Friday, it had in bold letters Gibraltar En Pie De Guerra, with a large photograph of what appeared to be the Ark Royal, fully loaded for operations in the Gulf.

This is the way the Spanish media portray the little Royal Navy coastal patrol boat to the Spanish public, as a fully armed Aircraft Carrier being used to shoo away a Spanish Guardia Civil Chase boat. The Crazy thing is that many believe it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is how wars are started; cast your minds back when the US, fully supported by the UK, started a campaign in the media highlighting that Iraq had been developing and stockpiling WMD’s. Unrelenting media coverage making sure that the lie became the truth, so that they could march into Bagdad with impunity.

As a scenario, the invasion of Gibraltar by the Spanish is one that I have thought about, and as an amateur tactician, I can tell you that if I were going to invade Gibraltar, this is how I would do it.

My first Move would be to deploy the navy into the Bay, blockading the bay at three in the morning, simultaneously a group of some 500 special forces would arrive by portillo to La Linea, dressed in civilian clothing and heavily armed. These would flood through the frontier on foot and in civilian vehicles, neutralising anyone who shows resistance, capture the air traffic control tower and Devils Tower Camp with every one in it.

During the course of the first day more regular infantry will be ferried in or landed to start crowd control and subdue any resistance from local uniformed bodies. At the same time, air defense units would start arriving and deploying SAM batteries in strategic areas all round the Rock. Then start digging in to repel any British response.

The scary thing dear reader, is that we would not be able to do a single thing about it. Gibraltar would fall in less than eight hours and could be in a position to deny any retake by the British in forty-eight hours.

Britain would appeal to the UN who would shuffle its feet and shrug its shoulders and write a couple of resolutions and no one would give a damn. The local population will be relocated to their second homes were they can enjoy the rest of the summer.

The Spanish have serious problems, their economy is set to implode the moment Greece folds and negates on any loans. I liken this nationalistic fervor to 1930s Germany; it will take only one mad man to order the Spanish Military to do something that in all honesty a good percentage of Spaniards want.

Gibraltar Español? It could well be.
