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Sir Peter: Both GSD Leadership Candidates Capable Of Leading Party To Electoral Success

Sir Peter Caruana, former GSD leader and Chief Minister, has told party members that both Keith Azopardi and Damon Bossino “are capable of leading the party to electoral success” and that “both would govern Gibraltar, in an ever-evolving world, fairly and in the interests of the whole community as a modern, tolerant and inclusive society.” Sir Peter made these statements in a letter to party members ahead of the GSD’s leadership election tomorrow.

The full letter is below: Dear fellow Party Member, I know both Keith and Damon, and their personal and political ideologies, well. In my opinion, neither of them represents, as has been stated, a step backwards, nor an obstacle to electoral success for the GSD in the future. Contested leadership elections in political parties are normal and desirable in a mature democracy. They should be contested in a way that reflects the fact that they are contests between party political colleagues, and always promoting and protecting the interests of the wider party. That means that members should be lobbied by the candidates for support in a way that does the party no possible harm, whichever candidate is chosen by the membership. The GSD has always been a broad political church. When we have governed, we have sought to fairly balance and progress the interests of all sectors of the community, so that Gibraltar, as a whole, advances together and all parts of our society feel represented, even if they do not support or agree with the party policy on any issue. Like all other party members, I face the task of choosing between them. I will do so in the knowledge that I would be willing to vote for either of them and with the considerable comfort and luxury of knowing that both are capable of leading the party to electoral success and that both would govern Gibraltar, in an ever-evolving world, fairly and in the interests of the whole community as a modern, tolerant and inclusive society.