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Editor's Blog Feb 24th 2012

Reach Out and Touch Someone.

The end of the working week is almost upon us and we look forward to resting up and leaving the pressures of our employment behind at least for two days. But how many of us actually do anything worthwhile over the weekend? Do we just sit around the big one eyed god watching it project the same old drivel?

Although I am just as much to blame for weekend apathy, I am very much looking towards finding new things to do, places to see and sharing some of those experiences with the people I like.

Take last weekend for example; I was invited by some of my oldest and closest friends to go up to one of the “pueblos blancos” for an afternoon picnic and, although extremely hung over from my Friday night endeavour, I agreed to go.

Most of them have young families so everything and the dog were packed into several cars and off we went.

Laying in the sun eating mini pork pies and watching the kids running around up in the hills, brought back many memories of my own childhood, when I didn’t have a care in the world.

The weather for February was excellent, there was good conversation and not an electronic device insight other than my mate’s iPad blaring out some classic rock tunes. As the day progressed I was able to catch up in person, rather than by text or facebook, a rare treat indeed. I went home elated and fulfilled.

I urge you to bin (at least for the weekend) your Blackberries, iPhones and any other electronic device that keeps you from real interaction.

Break out of weekend apathy, there is something out there and it’s called the world.
