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Editor's Blog Mar 06th 2012

We All Get Old

Out of all the stages of life, old is the state we spend the longest in. Medical advances have made sure that while, by rights, we should have kicked the bucket due to a bunch of innocuous childhood diseases or some not so harmless adult ailments, we continue to live for longer.

The sad thing is that while we accumulate a whole bunch of experiences as we get older there comes a time when no one really listens, we begin to lose touch with the real world and its technological advances. I can imagine how my Grand mother feels when she sees an iPad and although she says, “wow that’s great”, what she is really thinking is that, the little screen thingy is the work of Satan.

I plan on growing old disgracefully, the little inconveniences of growing old, like errant nasal hair, chronic back pain and sitting on your own testicles or having to wear elasticated pants up past my navel, will not stop me from enjoying my twilight years.

The days of being “past it” is no longer an option. In years gone by, age forty or so you were expected to get your comfy slippers on, light a pipe and listen to the gramophone and berate your children for staying up past eight.

Last month I read about the seventy nine year old who broke a world record for most parachutes jumps in one day, or how about Olive Riley the one hundred and eight year old Blogger.

Be that as it may, you are always bound by what your body can tolerate, so I will leave you with this quote from Mickey Mantle, Famous American baseball player, “If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself”.
