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Drink Driver Banned And Fined £250

30 October 2024
Drink Driver Banned And Fined £250

A local man who was caught drink driving by RGP Response Team officers has been banned from the roads for 17 months and fined £250. 

Kenneth Cornelio, 57, of the Varyl Begg Estate, was sentenced at the Magistrates’ Court today after pleading guilty to a charge of Driving a Motor Vehicle with Alcohol Level Above the Prescribed Limit. 

The court hear that at around 2.30am on Sunday 8 September, RGP officers were patrolling the area of Kingsway when they saw a Gibraltar-plated Toyota Celica playing loud music and stalling twice. Officers also noticed damage to the vehicle’s panels and extensive damage to a tyre. 

Officers signalled for the car to pull over at the Cepsa Petrol Station and on speaking to Cornelio, they noticed his speech was slurred, he was unsteady on his feet and they could smell alcohol on him. 

He then blew 114ug on the road side breath test – the legal limit being 35ug. 

After being arrested he was taken to New Mole House Police Station where he later blew 64ug on the Evidential Breath Test Machine. 

An RGP spokesman said: “We urge anyone not to get behind the wheel if intoxicated, to ensure they protect themselves and those around them. 

“If anyone has concerns about a person driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they can call the RGP in confidence on 200 72500 or 999 in emergencies – you could help save someone’s life.”