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Summer time… But what is beach etiquette?

Beach EtiquetteThere are a few things that no one, and we do mean NO ONE should be allowed to wear after a certain age. The beach is one of those funny places where all ages and all kinds of people end up together, doing the same things.

But you can often spot a few fundamental issues with certain people's attire.  

The Tourist

The tourist - The greatest species for people watching. We've all seen them around, they are usually pasty white, from a mixture of NO SUN in their own country and a 2 inch thick coating of factor 412.

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Jul 18 - Gibraltar's Fittest Man

Local photographer Leo Hayes has done a short documentary on “Gibraltar’s Fittest Man.” The four minute long film is uploaded onto YouTube and covers the daily routine of a fitness freak from his early morning protein shake to his beach workout and Rock run.

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Jul 17 - Miss Gib Gets Ready For Miss World

Last year, the Miss World Organisation introduced a Multi Media Award as part of its fast track events for the Miss World Finals.

The Miss World Organisation has created a Facebook page as Miss World – Gibraltar. Each contestant has been given her own page, where she will be able to give information about herself, upload photos and video material and interact with fans. The page address is: www.facebook.com/MissWorldGibraltar

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