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Nov 23 - GSD Shares ESG’s Concerns Over LNG Bunkering

The GSD says it shares the concerns of the Environmental Safety Group reference the comments made by Mr Bossano in a GBC debate last week on LNG bunkering.

Trevor Hammond, GSD candidate said: “For the first time we have a statement from a Minister making clear that there are plans for Shell to conduct bunkering of LNG from the storage facilities with all the additional risk that this poses to our community. Mr Bossano made clear that Shell would not otherwise be interested in the provision of stored LNG for the power station alone as this would not be economically viable. We have been saying this all along and the Government has been denying it. It is now clear that that denial was yet another misrepresentation of the truth by Government and that they were holding back the information until after the election, a tactic that is becoming all to familiar from the GSLP/Liberals. We thank Mr Bossano for his honesty.

“The fact is that we have been so often mislead by statements made on this issue by Government, whether that be their manifesto commitment at the last election to complete the Lathbury project, only to break that promise; or the publication of safety reports which they said they had and then didn’t, and which we are still waiting for; or the provision of bunkering which the Chief Minister himself assured us would not happen and yet now we discover is very much a part of the project to make it economically viable. We cannot trust anything we have been told about the GSLP North Mole power station project.”
