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Mar 18 - GSD Welcomes Imminent Signing Of Blue Water Project

The GSD notes the Chief Minister’s comments on the GBC's Direct Democracy programme saying he is confident that the contract for the “Blue Water” project will be finalised and that the £83 million premium will be paid when due.

Roy Clinton, the GSD MP with shadow responsibility for public finance, said:“In a world economic environment that the UK Chancellor has described in his Budget speech as materially weaker and facing a dangerous cocktail of risks, the signing of the ‘Blue Water’ deal is to be commended when finalised.

"However, I trust that the protracted and sensitive negotiations that the Chief Minister has personally been leading with the developer over the last eight months has not resulted in the watering down in any aspects of the deal announced in June 2015 including the 1,000 affordable homes on the Government co-ownership scheme, Bob Peliza Mews and Hassan Centenary Terraces.

"The work on preparing the plot was anticipated to have begun in earnest before the end of 2015.

"This £1.1 billion project and others were highlighted in the Chief Minister’s 2015 Budget speech and naturally I will continue to press the Chief Minister as to progress on this and other projects of national interest despite the Chief Minister being more forthcoming with GBC than Parliament on ‘how sensitive and important negotiations for the sale of land are going’.”
