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Apr 25 - "Grab For Cash Development” Is Not In Public Interest Says GSD

The GSD has today said it wants to highlight what it calls “the seeming lack of overall planning consideration” of how one development may impact on another in Gibraltar.

The party says that, whether or not the 2009 Development Plan is still being adhered to has become a “questionable point” adding that this has already been seen within the town area with the “destruction” of both the Risso Bakery and part of the Old Police Barracks by private developers with Government approval. The party adds that these were “iconic locations” that are now lost forever and amount to decisions “which fly in the face of guidance” in the Development Plan which states that 'planning is about protecting the public interest against the private interest'.

A statement continued: “There are proposals being tabled and due to be presented to the DPC for Hargreaves, Rosia and Catalan Bay, all sites of significant sensitivity. In the case of Hargreaves we have seen that Government has asked for expressions of interests for a multi-storey car park. This of course may not have been necessary had Government not been so short sighted in removing so many parking spaces, but construction of such a structure, removing one of very few open spaces remaining in town and certainly not in keeping with its surroundings must be questioned.

“The amount of development taking place or under consideration around the Queensway area and the reclamation is also of significant concern. With Eurocity, West One, Kings Wharf and Mid Town all proposing high rise developments and Rooke shortly to be handed over to Government who have already stated they intend to sell the asset to a private developer, one can foresee a concrete jungle of development in which nearby residents will seriously affected.”

Trevor Hammond, Shadow Minister for Planning said: "One hopes that with so much development being planned, Government takes a long view of the impact one area may have on another and keep at the forefront the spirit of the 2009 Development plan. While Government may believe it needs the revenue from the sale of public land, the benefit of short term gains must not be allowed to outweigh the long term damage to our community that short sighted decisions, taken now, could have." 
