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Sep 12 - GSD Raises “School Traffic Chaos”

The Opposition has said that, with schools starting full days this week, the “chaos that is traffic and parking in Gibraltar has become immediately evident.”

The party adds that this situation “has deteriorated significantly” under this Government.

The GSD says that although the Government has been promising to publish its strategy for traffic and parking for nearly three years, ironically, one of the few measures from their draft plan which they have tested, the arrangements around St Joseph's school, has been an “abject failure.” The party says that no improvement has been seen, adding that the situation is “worse than ever.”

Trevor Hammond, GSD spokesman for transport said:

"Government have not had a plan and the parking situation in particular has become impossible. Those who work in the town area are finding that their commute to work has become a nightmare. Whatever Government says, the reality is that they have not provided the necessary infrastructure to alleviate this problem, people know this from their every day experiences. The Minister has clung on to the hope that by repeating that he will be shortly publishing his strategic transport plan, something he has been saying for three years now, people will believe he is doing something. Government policy has failed despite the promised solution of the pharoanic mid town car park which has not had any significant impact on the parking issue. That this is the situation now at the beginning of September is worrying, one wonders to what depths of chaos the situation will descend to when the Autumn rains arrive".
