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Oct 07 - Fostering And Adoption Awareness Campaign At Mini Olympiad

October 2015 saw the Care Agency’s Social Services fostering and adoption team launch its first awareness campaign for a number of years.

The focus of that campaign was to reach out to the community so as to encourage people to ‘become a child’s hero’ and to ‘make a difference’ by considering fostering or adoption. There were a series of information sessions running over a week. This progressed into generating great interest in the Care Agency’s training course for prospective foster parents and adopters which was held in January 2016. The aim of the course is to prepare applicants to become foster and adoptive parents to ensure that they are aware of all issues involved in the process.

The result of the initiative has been the successful training of a number of foster families who have already been able to assist children in our community and have become their “heroes”.

To celebrate the achievements of these ‘heroes’ the Care Agency will be hosting an information stall at the Mini Olympiad at the Victoria Stadium tomorrow. Social Workers will be on hand to provide information about their campaign and what to look out for as part of this year’s campaign which will take place later this month.

This year’s fostering and adoption awareness campaign will take place in line with the UK’s national adoption and fostering week commencing on the 17th October.

Minister for Social Services, Samantha Sacramento said: “Our fostering and adoption service is progressing very well. The benefits for children who are successfully placed in foster care as an alternative to institutional care are unbelievable. Having consistent care and support will help develop a sense of security and safety which contributes to their healthy development. The team at the Care Agency are working hard to work with families who wish to consider adoption or fostering children by providing them with advice, information and training and support which continues throughout the placement."
