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Jul 04 - Government Says Public Sector Wages And Services Continue Thanks To GSLP-Libs, Hassan Nahon And Llamas – Not GSD

The Government has said that, as from 1st July this year, all payments made by the Government of Gibraltar and all services provided by the Government “are exclusively due to the vote of the GSLP Liberals, the Hon Marlene Hassan Nahon and the Hon Lawrence Llamas.”

Number Six says that the rest of the GSD, led by Mr Feetham on the advice of Mr Clinton, “voted to stop all payments and to stop all government services.”

“As a result the salaries of Civil Servants, all public sector employees and Government company employees are being paid due to the vote of the GSLP Liberals, the Hon Ms Hassan Nahon and the Hon Mr Lawrence Llamas.”

The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, said: "This financial year, all health services, all educational services and all law enforcement services are continuing, for the first time in the history of Gibraltar, as a result of the Government majority in Parliament. Just keeping our power station running and switching on the lights is now thanks to the GSLP-LIBERALS and Ms Hassan Nahon and Mr Llamas. It is, therefore, no longer possible to talk of public services being funded by the Parliament, as has traditionally been the case in our post-war history. The political irresponsibility that Mr Clinton has pursuaded Mr Feetham and a part of the GSD to pursue will be seen by everyone in Gibraltar for what it is: a self-indulgent, point-scoring foolishness that serves no serious purpose. Sir Peter Caruana himself, in 2014, explained the tradition in Gibraltar of the Opposition voting in favour of the Budget '...in order not to deprive the Government of funding and the civil servants of their pay...'. The vote of the GSD last week therefore is a vote for the opposite and is one that breaks that tradition for the first time in our post-war history. Everyone sees the irresponsibility and unnecessary additional confrontation which that position has created. But every civil servant, public sector worker and citizen now knows, their pay and our services this year are no thanks to the GSD. What a pity to see such infantile antics in such an important debate in our Parliament."
