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Chief Minister Fails To Address £40 Million Budget Overspend Says GSD

In reply to the Chief Minister’s statement, the GSD says the Government have “failed at the first hurdle in setting an honest Budget”.

A statement from the GSD follows below:

The Chief Minister in his response to the GSD’s questions over the 2021/22 £ 40 million overspend has  characteristically failed to address the serious questions raised and instead put up a smokescreen. The GSD  were raising the issue that the Government have apparently overspent that amount of money in this year’s  budget 2021/22 whereas the Chief Minister only talks about expenditure from the previous period thus  avoiding the question.  

Roy Clinton the GSD Shadow Minster for Public Finance stated the following:  

“It is evident that the Chief Minister does not want to address the question as to how it is possible and who is  responsible for the £40 million overspend reported by his own Minister for Financial Stability, Sir Joe  Bossano.  

The Chief Minister is unable or unwilling to explain how the 2021/22 Budget was so wrong. This  Government’s irresponsibility will be ultimately borne by the taxpayer not by the Chief Minister.  

It is time for our public finance to get back on track and the GSLP have failed at the first hurdle in setting an  honest Budget.”