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GSD To Hold Leadership Election

The GSD is set to hold a leadership election.

Under the GSD Party Constitution, a Leadership Election needs to be held 12 Months after a General Election or at an earlier date if requested by the Leader. 

Yesterday GSD Leader, Keith Azopardi, asked the Party Executive to put the Leadership Election process in motion. The nomination deadline has been set for noon on Friday 17 November 2023. To be eligible for nomination a Party Member has to have been a member of the Party for two years, be proposed by 20 Members and seconded by two Executive Members. 

Keith Azopardi said: “Having a Leadership Election after a General Election is required by the Party Constitution. I asked the Executive to put the process in place now rather than wait 12 months because I think it’s important to undertake this democratic process at an early stage so that the Party can then concentrate on the necessary political work that needs to be done. I confirmed to the Executive my wish to continue as Leader and my name has gone forward in that process.”