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Nov 25 - Government: Opposition Are Absenting Themselves From The Real World

The Government, in a statement this afternoon, have said that the GSD Opposition’s “amnesia” is no excuse for their choice to “absent themselves from the real world.”

The Government says that the Opposition have been repeatedly told by scientists, including the Minister for the Environment Dr John Cortes, that systematic ignoring of advice and lack of action over years in a natural system cannot be undone quickly, even in two years. Nature, says the Government, needs time to react, populations to reduce and behaviour to be re-conditioned.

“Sadly, and tragically, we will have to suffer the effects of their mismanagement of the Barbary macaques for a little longer, as Government works solidly towards the solution. GSD Opposition members clearly do not have the capacity to understand these principles, but must nevertheless assume the responsibility for what is demonstrably their fault,” reads a statement from Number Six.

The Government explains that short-term measures are currently being used to persuade the monkeys away from built-up areas, which include the noisemakers which, they claim, are “successful.” However, the Government recognizes that these methods have to be used “repeatedly” as they are dealing with intelligent animals while longer term steps are taken.

The Government argues that, once again the GSD assume that if they haven’t heard something is happening, then nothing is happening. But the Government assures the public that behind the scenes preparations to enhance the resources of the macaque team are proceeding, and legislation is being updated. In a practical way, the contraceptive programme, which was greatly enhanced in 2012, has resulted in a drop in births from 42 in 2012 (the result of the 2011 mating season under the GSD) to 33 in 2013. Subtracting infant mortality of six in each of the two years, this means a drop in surviving infants from 36 to 27. This is a drop in recruitment to the population of 25%. The Government says that these figures show that this “is the way to plan ahead and use knowledge of nature to achieve the goals,” adding that it is hugely significant as it shows long term planning and long term, meaningful solutions to the problem, which will result in a real drop in the population in coming years without drastic killing of animals.

The Government believes that the support of the community has been crucial. Laguna Estate tenants for instance, are showing a real understanding of the problem and being extremely pro-active in for example ensuring that rubbish is not left outside bin stores.

Sadly, there are still many people who encourage the monkeys by feeding them in urban areas. This must stop. No matter how much is done, and unless we were to lose all our monkeys, which Gibraltar clearly does not want, then if people feed them they will return. By contrast, if they do not find any food, they will just move through an area and not linger.

It is clear, say the Government, that the GSD does not want a solution to the problem.

A spokesperson concluded: “They came up with nothing in their day, and now they give the clear impression that they are hoping that there will be a “terrible incident” so that they can blame the Government and not their past ineptitude. Not once have they stated any support whatsoever for the Government’s initiatives to ask people not to feed the monkeys, nor have they discouraged people from doing so. If they were a responsible Opposition they would at the very least support this aspect of the campaign. They should come out clearly supporting every initiative to stop people feeding monkeys. But they have not. But this is to be expected. While in Government they never did anything to stop illegal and anti-social feeding, leaving us with the situation they left us in. In Opposition they rant and rave, hope that bad things happen, and then go back to hide in their bubble of fantasy, absenting themselves from the real world as they did from the Parliament Chamber in October."