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Apr 11 - Government Reveals Healthcare System Improvements

ghaCriticising the GSD’s most recent press statement on the public healthcare system and the Primary Care Centre’s advance appointments system, the Government has insisted that unprecedented improvements have been made in many aspects of healthcare in Gibraltar.

During this week’s public meeting of the Health Authority ‘the Minister for Health, Dr John Cortes, stated that two of the biggest challenges remaining, which were both inherited from the previous administration but which will be addressed, are the access to A&E and to the Primary Care Centre. These are well known problems and have been afflicting the community for many years, through no fault of the hard working staff.’

Addressing the issues, the Government insisted that a great deal of work is being done by the new GHA management team. The added that an Associate Specialist at A&E is being recruited, along with 24 hour of the A&E reception being carried out and a redesign of the PCC to allow for more clinic space. Other recent implementations include further improvements to the repeat prescription system, and the ability to book appointments online.

The Government noted today that the Opposition should ‘congratulate the GHA, and its professionals, instead of undermining the good work that they are doing and the confidence in what is a continually improving health service. They should recognise that they spoke too soon and that they were totally incapable of tackling any of these issues in all the time they were in Government.’