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Sep 24 - Number Six Says GSD Response To Bullying “Ignores Reality”

Number Six has said that the response from Deputy Leader of the GSD, Damon Bossino, “ignores the reality” of the work done in this field by the GSLP/Liberal Government.

According to the Government, the fact is that a detailed Command Paper on the subject was issued which provided for detailed consultation. The Bill which emerged as a result was also, it says, the subject of wide consultation. After the Bill was passed by Parliament, given the concerns expressed very late in the day, by the GFSB and the Chamber of Commerce, the Chief Minister created a commencement committee to allow further period for employers’ organisations to provide feedback and input which they had unfortunately not been able to provide before. It is that feedback and input that has been carefully considered by the Government before progressing to commence the Act.

The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, said: "In the circumstances, it is plainly misleading for Mr Bossino to have suggested that Government has failed to consult on this Act. We have probably consulted more on this Act than we have on any other and more than the GSD ever consulted in the time they were in power. But the time has come to get off the fence on the issue of bullying. We have acted where the GSD never did. We worked with DAWN and the unions on this subject when the GSD never did. We have taken action where the GSD just talked and failed to act. I can sense Mr Bossino is concerned to have the GSD outed on their abysmal record in the field, but the facts are the facts. We promised at our election to ban bullies, and this is the way to do so. In two and a half years we have decisively dealt with issues they totally failed to tackle for 16 long years. And we have given the GFSB and the Chamber the confidence that we will monitor the implementation of the Act to ensure it is not abused in any way and we reserve the right to tweak the law where necessary, again in consultation with all parties, should it be abused. That is what legislating properly and effectively for our community is about."