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Feb 16 – CBF And RAF Station Commander Join Air Cadets To Mark ATC Sunday

The Commander British Forces, Commodore Ian McGhie and RAF Station Commander, Wing Commander Liz Hutchison joined Cadets and staff from No. 2 Overseas (Gibraltar) Squadron Air Training Corps (ATC) for a church service to mark Air Training Corps (ATC) Sunday on the 7th February.

The ATC was established on the 4th February 1941 and this year is the first time that ATC Sunday has been marked in Gibraltar; this year is particularly significant as it marks the 75th anniversary of the Corps.

The Squadron’s Padre, Reverend (Rev) Ewen Maclean, was delighted to take the Service at St Andrew’s Church of Scotland, he said:

 “It was with great honour that I joined the Squadron’s Civilian Committee and became the Squadron’s Padre last year, so I was more than happy to invite the cadets to the Church of Scotland to mark ATC Sunday, which we hope will become an annual event.”

During the service the Squadron Banner was paraded to the front of the church and laid on the altar. As part of the service the cadets were asked to repeat the ‘ATC Promise’ which is part of their enrolment into the Corps.

Parading the Banner was a proud moment for Corporal Luca Frigulti he said:

“It was an honour to be entrusted as one of the banner party, especially on our 75th Anniversary.”

Following the Service, CBF presented Rev Maclean with his ATC Chaplin’s badge.

For further information on the Air Training Corps please see their website: www.gibaircadets.gi or call Flt Lt Ivan Caward on 54005832
