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Sep 19 - ERG’s Alvarez At FCO Meetings

The Equality Rights Group (ERG) has thanked both the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and The Convent's staff for coordinating and arranging meetings in London at King Charles Street last week for the group’s Chairman Felix Alvarez.

“It was an invaluable 'getting-to-know-you' opportunity to meet and discuss human and civil rights perspectives with relevant FCO Policy Officers responsible for this area of British policy, as well as, more specifically, to talk with Gibraltar Desk staff,” Mr. Alvarez stated.

“During our discussions, it was evident that the insights afforded to both the FCO and to ERG in respect of each other’s areas of responsibility and concerns were many, and, no doubt, have aided both sides in being able to establish ties and links which will serve to provide beneficial opportunities for understanding and cooperation; in particular, to deal with concrete and specific issues of mutual interest.

“Separately, I was also afforded the chance to hold meetings with other organisations in the field of various social and human rights with which ERG sustains close working relations in the current development of campaign projects. As a result, we were able to exchange areas of understanding, strengthen support and expertise on a range of matters,” added Mr. Alvarez.

“Whilst in London, I was very fortunate, additionally, in being able to accompany other Gibraltar attendees at the thorough briefing hosted by the renowned Doughty Street Chambers in London on the subject of ‘Brexit and Beyond' which took a particular perspective from the point of view of the Overseas Territories. Again, I can’t overstate the value of the expert contributions presented at that session, and I shall be following-up on the professional contacts happily established at that event,” Mr. Alvarez ended.
