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Oct 22 - ClimACT Project Wins Second Prize At International Competition

The ClimACT project has won second prize in an EU-organised event, which was held on the 10th October in Brussels.

The ClimACT delegation included staff from University of Gibraltar and a local student, as well as students and representatives from the partner institutions across Portugal, France and Spain.

In the framework of the ‘European Week of Regions and Cities’, ClimACT was one of six projects from across Europe shortlisted to take part in the international competition Interreg Talks 'Six projects, one Slam!'.

A spokesperson said: "The finalists presented high-impact projects, by performing and showcasing their respective results, in an attractive and original way.

"ClimACT presented a short video followed by an on-stage performance by students from Gibraltar, France, Portugal and Spain in which they stressed the impacts of climate change and gave examples of actions undertaken at their respective schools to reduce their carbon footprint. The audience cheered and greeted the performers very warmly.

"ClimACT is a three-year, European Union funded initiative that supports activities to foster education for sustainable development. Locally managed by the University, the ClimACT project seeks to build upon ongoing school activities, by supporting a change of culture, embed sustainable development in schools’ everyday life and educate students and adults in sustainable practice. The project is entering its final stage with an end date of June 2019. However, as a result of the successful partnership with both the Department of Education and the Department of the Environment, it is expected that in-school initiatives and learnings will continue beyond the project’s lifespan."

Amaia Fernandez, International and European Funding Officer at University of Gibraltar, said: “Being at the event in Brussels really brought home what combining research and educational approaches can do to influence schools’ ethos and curricula. ClimACT is an excellent example of international collaboration and shared school experiences. Achieving the 2nd Prize award in a still ongoing initiative recognises the tangible results it has attained already. ClimACT works alongside schools and we could not have had better ambassadors of the initiative than the students themselves”.

Lauren Gear, a 12 year-old pupil from Westside School representing Gibraltar said: “I like having the opportunity to represent my country and my school.” 


Find out more about ClimACT: www.unigib.edu.gi/climact-project/

