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Choice Gibraltar Pleased With Northern Ireland Abortion Verdict

Choice Gibraltar have said they are "delighted" with the verdict reached by the Supreme Court yesterday on the Northern Ireland abortion case in favour of womens’ rights. 
A statement follows below:
Both the rulings upheld today and the previous N. Ireland judgement serve to further expose our draconian abortion law as contravening human rights commitments. This vindicates our position as the true legal position of the Supreme Court and not the cherry picked quote by the anti-choice movement.
We would like to clarify that the quote used by the GPLM is taken from the dissenting opinion of Lord Reed. The case was put before 7 justices of the Supreme Court and he was 1 of only 2 who said the law didn't contravene Article 8 of the ECHR. He was outvoted by the other justices. His comments are not the interpretation of the law as decided by the Supreme Court. 
Political parties in Gibraltar can no longer pretend that they are not obligated to pass legislation to allow informed autonomous terminations. A referendum is equally absurd. Choice Gibraltar urge all local parties to follow the guidelines of international bodies such as the UN, UNICEF and RCM, BMA, BPAS and indeed the ruling of the Supreme Court and pass abortion law that safeguards its citizens’ rights.