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In the Shadow Of The Rock: Literature In Gibraltar - Online Symposium

06 October 2020
In the Shadow Of The Rock: Literature In Gibraltar - Online Symposium

An online symposium featuring seven Gibraltarian writers will take place next week.

Entitled “In the Shadow of the Rock: Literature in Gibraltar”, the half-day event has been organised by two U.S-based academics: Professor Edwige Tamalet Talbayev (Tulane University; New Orleans) and Professor Robert Patrick Newcomb (UC Davis).

Next Tuesday 13th October, Gibraltarian writers David Alvarez, Jackie Anderson, Trino Cruz, Giordano Durante, Humbert Hernandez, Marisa Salazar and MG Sanchez will deliver readings and talks via Zoom and answer questions and engage in discussion with the audience.

Organisers say they hope the online symposium will “help move forward the burgeoning discussion on Gibraltar’s literary past and present, and work to promote the study of Gibraltar and its literature internationally.”

The symposium is open to the public and can be accessed as from 5pm (Gib time) via Zoom: Zoom ID: 530 902 9313 Password: gib