Women’s Mentorship Programme - Ministry of Equality Invites Interest From Potential Mentors and Mentees
The Ministry of Equality has announced a new cycle of the Women’s Mentorship Programme for 2025. Having run since 2018 with over 200 hundred participants, the Programme enters its sixth cycle.
A statement continued: “The aim is to support women’s professional progress through one-to-one mentorship and group learning sessions. Mentees’ skills will be developed so they can aspire to positions of leadership and management, areas where women are often under-represented. More equitable representation of women across organisations is a social justice issue whilst also making sound business sense, allowing organisations to tap into a wider talent pool, an important factor in boosting the economy.
“The Women’s Mentorship Programme is open to women of 18 years of age or over who are resident in Gibraltar and who feel they would benefit from a mentor. The Ministry would like to encourage women to email [email protected] to register interest. The deadline for completed applications is Friday 24th January 2025.
“Potential mentors are encouraged to register their interest by sending an email to [email protected]. Mentors will be volunteers with significant experience and expertise, who can offer advice and learning opportunities to mentees. Mentors must attend a mentor orientation meeting prior to their first mentoring session.”
Minister for Equality, Christian Santos, said: “The Women’s Mentorship Programme is for women at any stage of their professional journey and caters for women in both the public and private sector. The Programme will offer support in developing personal and professional skills and in making new connections. I would very much like to encourage women looking for a new challenge as a mentee to register.”
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