Halfway House for Men, ‘Bridge House’, Planning Meeting
The Minister for Housing, Pat Orfila, held the first meeting to discuss the way forward for the new half-way house for men.
The building, at 9 Johnstone’s Passage, will serve as a lifeline for men who are going through separation or divorce and leave the matrimonial home. Not every person has family that will take them in, and it can be a very difficult and daunting time for many who find themselves in this situation. Expensive private rental prices combined with the need to provide economic support for children, can leave little to live on.
The half-way house will be named Bridge House, as it will act as the bridge that will help men to walk across from their old life into their new life.
The plans are in the formative stage, but the Government has said the first meeting was “very productive and positive.”
Minister Orfila said: “I am extremely excited with this long overdue project which will serve as a lifeline for many men in our community. I would like to extend my thanks to all those who gave of their time to join me and my team in this venture and contributed so enthusiastically to the work of making this a reality.”
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