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Mar 11 - Trafalgar Cemetery Plaque Honours Friend of Gibraltar Richard Wells CBE

richard wells On Sunday 8th March, in Trafalgar Cemetery, a plaque in the memory of a Friend of Gibraltar, Richard Wells CBE, was blessed by Reverend Charles Howard with Richard's widow Ditte and son George in attendance.

Richard Wells was a lifetime supporter of Gibraltar and, during his appointment in the Department of Trade and Industry, was able to secure European funds exceeding  £20M for the benefit of the people of Gibraltar. Grants included the beautification of Main Street. In 1999 joined the Board of the Friends of Gibraltar and became the Secretary and then additionally Chairman of the Executive Committee. He raised the profile of the Friends by arranging prestigious events as well as ensuring that the Society was efficiently run. He fully contributed to the Society's current flourishing state. Richard’s energy and enthusiasm made a major difference to the Friends and to Gibraltar, and the plaque is a fitting tribute to him.

The plaque is sited on the southern appreciation stand in the Cemetery.

Those also in attendence included the Minister Steven Linares representing the Government of Gibraltar, Richard Labrador MBE of the Gibraltar Heritage Trust, Commodore Jamie Miller CBE, Commodore Richard and Denise Lord, Sheila Howard, Maxinne Torrents dels Prats and Ernest Reading; the latter all being members of Friends of Gibraltar Heritage Society.

Ditte Wells thanked everyone for being there and was most appreciative of the thoughts expressed, the blessing and the plaque.