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Jun 16 – Opposition Has Expressed Sympathy For Those Involved In Collision On Journey Back From Faro

The Opposition shares the shock and sense of profound sadness felt by the people of Gibraltar at the news of a traffic accident involving a coach full of Gibraltar football supporters on their way back from Faro.

While there were no fatalities from Gibraltar,  there were serious injuries and one fatal injury amongst the Moroccan passengers in the van.

Shadow Minister for Sport Edwin Reyes, who was himself traveling back from Faro in the early hours of Monday morning, said: "This is really shocking and sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of those injured and the deceased."

The Leader of the Opposition, Daniel Feetham, said: "This is such a tragic accident and on behalf of the Opposition I would like to extend our condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and wish those injured a full and speedy recovery.

“The Government is writing to the Moroccan Ambassador in London to offer its condolences to His Majesty the King of Morocco and it does so with our complete support.”
