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Nov 21 - GSD Applauds GFA for ‘Splendid Performance’

21 November 2013

gsdCommenting on the GFA’s first official UEFA match this week, the Opposition congratulated the team for their ‘splendid sporting performance’. The GSD notes that the team was almost entirely comprised of amateur players who proved ‘they have what it takes to play against reputable professions and hold them to a tight game which resulted in a goalless draw’.

The Party wishes the GFA ‘all the very best for the future and reassures football lovers of their continued support for the development of football for the benefit of all players.’

Commenting after the match, Shadow minister for Sport, Edwin Reyes explained, ‘I am really proud of the performance by our players in what proved to be a fast paced and very close game.  Our National Team proved we were well prepared to become UEFA’s 54th Member and this match will forever live in our sporting memories.  I am also really glad that I was able to be part of a small but very enthusiastic crowd of supporters who did not give up, even for a single minute, cheering for our team.

‘The National Team Manager must be singled out for ensuring he got the very best sporting performances from our players, never an easy feat!  Equally, the Gibraltar Football Association’s Council must be congratulated for their well organised logistics which ensured that all run smoothly both on and off the field of play.  There was not a single Gibraltarian in Faro who was not overtaken by emotions but, above all, our supporters’ behaviour and sporting spirits were exemplary for every single UEFA Member to see.’