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Apr 15 – GSD Calls On Government To “Explain Inconsistency In Respect Of Stadium Costs”

The GSD says it has been provided with a Report and Consolidated Financial Statement for the Gibraltar Football Association for the year ending 31 May 2014 which includes Stadium Development Costs in the sum of £835,792.  The GSD says that note 7 of that statement provides that this sum includes payments made by the Gibraltar Government on behalf of the GFA in respect of the development of a new stadium that complies with UEFA requirements, and note 8 provides that the entire sum in respect of Stadium Development Costs is money due from the GFA to the Government of Gibraltar.  

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Apr 15 - Gibraltar Sports And Leisure Authority Launches Playground Hotline

Following the success of the Parks and Playgrounds Maintenance Programme, the Minister for Sports, Steven Linares, is pleased to announce that the Gibraltar Sports and Leisure Authority (GSLA) has set up a playgrounds hotline. This hotline can be used by the public to report faults or offer suggestions for improvements to facilities. Signs have been placed in all of the areas under the GSLA’s remit, displaying contact information for the hotline. Specifically, should an issue be identified, users should ring:

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