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Feb 11 - Picardo to Address Oxford Literary Festival on Self-Determination

cmNext month, Chief Minister Fabian Picardo will speak at The Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival along with a host of world class authors and speakers, in late March.

The invitation comes in the year that Gibraltar is set to launch its own Literary Festival. Mr. Picardo, a graduate of Oxford University’s Oriel College will address the crowd on Self Determination. He will explain that ‘the right of a nation to determine its political future is inalienable’.

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Feb 11 - Local Insurance Personality Joins Sovereign Insurance

sovereignGibraltar-based Sovereign Insurance Services marked the beginning of the New Year by expanding its business in Ocean Village. The company has acquired the general insurance book of Eurolinx Limited and as a result, well-known local insurance personality Alan Montegriffo has joined the expanding team.

Commenting on the acquisition, Sovereign Insurance Services Managing Director Geoff Trew said that although organic growth was positive, the Eurolinx general insurance book would allow the business to grow exponentially over the coming year. He added that the company is delighted that Mr Montegriffo is joining the team. Mr Trew pointed out that Neil Entwistle has also recently joined the company, and that he will concentrate on working with the Sovereign Group offices world-wide to generate international insurance business opportunities for their Gibraltar, London and international insurance markets.

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Feb 11 - Ellul-Hammond to Probe Cortes on IVF Alternatives

gsdDuring this month’s session of Parliament, Opposition Spokesman for Health, Isobel Ellul-Hammond is set to probe Health Minister Dr. Cortes about when the new GHA website will be launched and when the Colon Cancer screening programme will start. She will also ask the Minister whether he is now in a position to publish the GHA review Report. Mrs. Ellul-Hammond will also query the GHA process used for measuring the results of hospitals used in the UK, Spain and other countries Gibraltar refer GHA patients to, as Sponsored Patients.

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