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Editor's Blog Mar 27th 2012

Daylight Saving Time

Isn’t it nice to have an extra hour of daylight in the evenings? Although, sometimes the confusion of the change in time can be a little too much for some. After speaking to my own mother, who is I might add, of sound mind and only just reaching her sixties this year, I pondered how complicated or daunting this really is.

It’s Sunday morning, she wakes up, decides that THIS Sunday she is going to mass at her local church. So she gets up, gets ready and off she goes, arriving at the church just as mass finishes… That’s right mom, clock’s went forward an hour…

Thinking about how many other people may have made this mistake made me start looking into the whole DST (Daylight Saving Time). Interestingly enough, did you know that Russia abolished the DST system?

This means that during winter in Russia, sunrise doesn’t occur till circa 10am. President Medvedev decided that the process of changing clocks twice a year was harmful to people’s health and triggers stress. Really? I manage to cope and I know a lot of people that do too.

With technology now a days I didn’t even have to reset my clock, my iPhone had already done it for me, the 3 other clocks prominent in my life included the cooker, the car and my watch, which in total took me the whole of 7 minutes to change all of them.

I personally realised how great DST was when I could look out of my balcony and see daylight at 8pm, making me feel great, finished work and it’s not dark outside.

Sunshine, Vitamin D and even SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) make me think that surely it’s worth missing mass because your clock didn’t change?
