• Holland And Barrett Vitamins Gibraltar Offer

Editor's Blog Mar 28th 2012

Main Street

Is Main Street just one big tobacco and booze, sunglasses and makeup retail flop? I see more shops closing down and not being reopened as anything worthwhile.

Or course we have electronics shops, they have always been there, but as a man who owns at least six working cameras I do not think I need anymore. Besides that, tax free of not, most of the goods can be bought cheaper online.

It seems obvious that recession is hitting our retail sector, but even then, we don’t see none of the deals that would entice shoppers to spend what little extra cash we have hidden in our mattress.

Human kind cannot live on cigarettes and Jack Daniels alone (or can we), kidding aside, it seems that when times are hard, the things that sell the most are alcohol, cigarettes and pot noodle. All of the other little luxuries seem to fall by the wayside.

Gone are the days of cheap three ply extra soft toilet paper, now to save a penny or two we opt for the John Wayne toilet paper (Rough, Tough and takes s**t from no man). Heinz baked beans, are you mad? Put that back and go for the store brand, not only will it give you terrible wind but heartburn too.

I would gladly spend my hard earned cash in Gibraltar, but I cannot find the will to pay £2.47 for a packet of cookies or £45 for a polo shirt or even £85 for a pair of jeans. Am I a bad Gibraltarian not supporting our retail sector by going across the border and buying the stuff I need to live and still have a little left over to party?

But all is not doom and gloom I got a special offer for 2 for 1 on a litre of Jack Daniels……
