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Editor's Blog May 31st 2012

I Want A Boat!

I want a boat, not any kind of boat; I want a decent sized sailboat. I have not always wanted a boat. This has been a recent fancy of mine, sailing around the world one man against one of the most powerful forces of nature.

Alas, this is not to be. You see, the kind of boat I want would cost money and because I did not always want a boat I did not prepare myself financially for such an eventuality.

I was very lucky to talk to a few boat owners this morning, all from different backgrounds and with different ideas of what their boat means to them.

For example, I spoke to a gentleman who had always wanted a boat and has worked his whole professional career towards that goal, and now he sits happily on it looking forward to his retirement, and sailing with his family and friends.

At the other end of the spectrum another gentleman told me of his love of the sea from a young age. Working very hard he quickly put together enough money to purchase what is now his home. Once he stepped aboard he told me, “Land just became something that you go to, to get fuel and provisions”.

And yet there was a third kind of boat owner, this one being very different from the rest, he told me that boats have always been a bit of a family business and he and his family have acquired several boats and they run courses for people wishing to enter in to the sailing world whether commercially or for pleasure.

Why would a land lubber like me be talking to boat people I hear you ask, well YGTV was interviewing the captains that will be taking part in The Ocean Village Flotilla in honour of the Queens Diamond Jubilee this coming bank holiday Monday.

The event is set to be a fun packed with boats of all different sizes taking part taking them around the Rock decked out in red white and blue. I myself will be joining them, and you can too, by clicking here.

Sadly it is not my own boat, but I will at least be having a little slice of life at sea on this momentous occasion. Whether you like boats or not, come down and a have a great day.
