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Editor's Blog July 04th 2012

Sex, it's Awesome!

Our fascination with erotica, both in the written form and visually, is a subject that has always been of controversy in society. There is a very fine line between what I call erotica, and full on pornography, which authors, artists and photographers like to cross and dip a toe into; the darker side of our sexual preferences.

The 50 shades series of books have caught the attention of many a bored housewife for that reason. Deep down inside we all want to be whisked away by a mysterious, very able and exciting lover.

Thinking about it would give most of us that thrill that we have not felt since those first awkward fumblings behind the bicycle shed at St Georges all catholic school in 1977.

Sexual awareness is a powerful thing in our adolescence. It’s the beginnings of what will be the driving force in our lives, the need to procreate. Humans and Bonobo Chimpanzees are the only creatures on land to shag for fun. In Bonobo society, the female will placate the males by offering themselves to the fighting primates, in what was first believed as a submissive gesture, but now scientists have concluded that the females use sex for their own pleasure and to gain favour.

At the same time the female Bonobo can retract their amorous ministrations if they feel they are not getting their way.  The sexual drive of animals is not exclusive to our brethren on land.

Teenage male Bottle Nosed Dolphins have been seen to “gang bang” the more mature females that have not been paired off with fully-grown males. Rough in the extreme, all parties whip themselves into frenzy and look like they are enjoying themselves. (Hard to tell as dolphins have a permanent smile etched on their faces)

Erotica in the written form is not a new thing. Barbara Cartland was the most prolific author of the romantic novel, and although not erotica in the modern sense, more like the diet coke of erotica, but the basic premise is the same. Tall dark stranger sweeps bored woman, locked in a loveless relationship, off her feet and makes passionate love to her in far away and exciting places.

Books like lady Chatterley’s Lover, first printed in 1928 in Italy as it could not be printed in England until 1960, tells the tale of a working class man playing hide the salami with an upper class woman.

The book caused many a stirring in the Lacy French knickers of women all around the world, who read the explicit descriptions of sex and yearned for some rough handed bloke to give her what she was lacking in the home front.

In the case of women, books like these do a dis-service to average blokes, as   porn films do a dis-service to women.

If sexual performance is to be measured by what we read and what we see, we are all in for a disappointment, as the passion required to literally keep up these hot sweaty encounters is fully dependant on how hot you are for each other and the amount of time you have been together.

Time tends to put a wilt on proceedings as you get comfortable with each other, and sex becomes routine rather than a passionate, exciting, intoxicating and addictive activity.

To keep everything fresh in a monogamous relationship you must be willing and able to go places that you may feel you do not want to go. Dark sweaty places, pulsing, with the sexual tension of a teenage amorous Odontoceti.

There is still hope for the flagging sexual relationship though. Sales of erotic “toys” have increased year on year, as we begin to lose our inhibitions and give into our darkest fantasies.

Judging by the sales of the 50 Shades of Grey books, I foresee that we will have women reaching for their man, demanding wild passionate kinky sex from them. And guys, you better be ready, get yourself a copy of the Kama Sutra (The original Porn DIY Manual) and a good supply of Viagra.

I await with the eagerness of a Born again Christian, anticipating the second coming of Christ, the arrival of my new gimp suit and gag ball, which I ordered from Anne Summers last night. While waiting, I will also put the finishing touches to my new dungeon.
