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Editor's Blog July 06th 2012

Ed is a feminist Today

At what point is it OK to fart in front of a new girlfriend or boy friend? Is it our bad habits or intricacies that doom a relationship from the start? Or are relationships something of the past.

It was every young girls dream to marry a handsome well to do man and be kept in an ivory tower, with all of her and her children’s needs taken care of. This has been the way of the world for eons.

The worm has definitely turned these last forty years and long gone are the days of women picking up men’s discarded underpants with mars bar skid marks with a pair or BBQ tongs.

Today’s women are intelligent, well educated, independent and less accepting of a life of servitude. If you are in your thirties or older, you would have seen your mother fawn and slave over your dad almost all your life, only to see them split up in their twilight years leaving you thinking WTF happened?

Well I can tell you what happened. Your mum got wise, or shall I say wiser. She has carried out her responsibilities with merit. The kids are all grown up, she read 50 shades of Yanito, looked at your dad sitting on the couch with the remnants of the frozen TV dinner stuck to his face whilst hogging the remote and scratching his crotch and she thinks, enough.

It’s that moment of realisation that no matter how far into your life it cannot be any worse or boring as it is. Second leases on life will scare the excrement out of most.

The flip side is that if you can regain a certain measure of confidence, you can start new relationships with a whole lot of experience behind you. Doesn’t that give you the edge over someone who has not shared a lifetime with someone?

As women become more and more independent they can pick and choose the man that they want to share their time with, not having to settle on Mr he will do. It is, after all, the woman who chooses who she likes.

No matter what us guys think of our seduction prowess, it is ultimately all about the woman’s choice. Although this was weakened by hundreds, if not thousands of years of male oppression, it has now reached the tipping point where women no longer need a bloke to lead a rich and interesting life.

It’s a revolution and it is getting bigger. In the western world where male dominated environments are seeing more and more women taking leading roles, both in the work place and on the home front. 

Unfortunately in other cultures women are still suffering the indignity of a male dominated culture, beatings and oppression a daily occurrence, these sisters have still to gain the independence that western women now demand.  

Women around the world are taking a firm stance on what is acceptable behaviour by men. Yes, they want a man to be strong and assertive, but they also want men who can function in a relationship where both partners work, share the responsibilities that go hand in hand with co-habitation, the kids, the finances and the fun.

Long gone are the days of ‘get me a sandwich’ or ‘what are you doing out of the kitchen woman’. The tables have turned, treat your woman well, because if you don’t somebody else will.

I have been a forward thinking bloke who was brought up by a single mother. She did right by us and insured that we respected women, but also made us understand that whether male or female we are all equal.

I could love an independent woman, as long as she doesn’t hog the remote and fart too much.

Whether you are male or female, single or in a relationship, have a great weekend wherever you are.
