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Editor's Blog July 19th 2012

Eddie’s Blog – Better late than never!

The day has got away from me and I have only just realised that there isn’t a blog up today. Ooops. I hope you can all forgive me, and if you can’t well… I’ll survive.

Today I saw a fair few comments flying around (it’s a pun you’ll see why now) facebook about the Tornados, the noise they make, the annoying fact they have to close the runway so often and so on and so forth. It made me think, how little these magnificent machines (in my opinion) have made a difference in my life.

Over the past 4 weeks, on occasion I have seen them shoot past, as part of YGTV we have even had the opportunity to see them up close and interview and meet the pilots and crew, I would even be as awestruck by them to say they have become a little bit of a tourist attraction.

The most important thing I do think of is, if they are here to train and to better themselves for the good of the realm, surely we should all be happy to have them here. Wouldn’t it make sense to have them here in Gibraltar, reminding our next-door neighbours that we do have some teeth that we can show.

I for one am happy for the pilots to get as much training as they need, to make sure that the next time they are flying over Iraq, Afghan, Libya or anywhere else for that matter, they are as good as they need to be. We want them to do well and more importantly come back home when they’re finished.

So if we have to put up with some noise (I still prefer that noise over a lot of the scooters going round), the queues because the run way is shut (still prefer that to the queues the frontier causes) or anything else that you may not like about the RAF boys and girls that are over, I’d like to remind you that they are the people that keep us safe at the end of the day.

The Armed Forces have one of the toughest jobs you can imagine, they don’t get paid anywhere near what they should and on top of it they are criticised far more often than they are praised. Let’s give these guys a round of applause, not berate them on Facebook for training around our Rock.

If you do like the Tornados, or simply want to find out more about them, check out our short YGTV Presents programme about them by clicking here.