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Editor's Blog mar 07th 2012

It’s a funny world…

“Funny! Funny how? Funny like a clown? Funny, like it was put on this world to amuse you?”

There are things we see and hear every day that make us chuckle and things that make us sad. What we mustn’t do, is take too many of either to heart, as either you end up laughing like the Mad Hatter (and people think your crazy) or you end up sad, lonely and depressed.

I like to think that I have the right balance of happy, sad, funny and weird moments in my life, to keep me on the right track. I saw a quote the other day that stopped me and made me think:

“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do”

It’s true, from being a child and disobeying your parents, a teenager to prove something to their friends, or as an adult proving to the world that you DO exist and that you will achieve what you set out to achieve. Which ever it is and for whatever the reason, we do like to be able to prove somebody wrong!

We all have days where we think, “I’m gonna stay in bed!” and there are some days that I think “I wish I had stayed in bed!” but the honest truth is, I take it with a pinch of salt, remember good moments, deal with the bad and then bury them (the moments that is, not good advice if people are involved). Enjoy every moment as much as you can.

Without going too extreme, remember that what goes around comes around and, although sometimes it may feel like it’s never coming, it will! It always does eventually.  
