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Editor's Blog Mar 14th 2012

In The News Today!

I’ve woken up and I feel like Alice in wonderland, I must have fallen down the rabbit hole at some point during the night. After waking up I pick up my iPad and start reading The Times, like I do every morning. This morning though, it feels surreal.

The first story I come across is Cameron and Obama eating a hot dog at an amateur basketball match in the US. Apparently, David finds it all a little complicated and hard to follow who’s done what, when… I’m guessing Eaton didn’t have a basketball team then?

The second story, Bear Grylls has been fired by the Discovery channel, due to the two parties not being able to agree on some contractual terms. Seriously, the guy jumps out of planes, ends up deserted on an island, eats bugs, gives himself an enema to stay hydrated, all on camera, and you think firing the guy is a good idea… I bet he is camped outside the CEO of Discovery’s house, in the bushes, biding his time, eating the flora and fauna. It’s not looking good…

I continue to read on, Encyclopaedia Britannica has decided to stop printing the 32 volume, £1,195 collection of books. Apparently an iPad app would replace it and make things a lot easier. Really? You think? Doesn’t it already exist? Wikipedia surely made the Encyclopaedia redundant some time ago.

The last story that really pushed me to the edge, and made me start looking for the Mad Hatter in my house was: “Homeless people turned into mobile Wifi Hotspots”… WTF? Manufacturing is becoming harder and more expensive, unless you use homeless people, which are relatively cheap in comparison. This new idea for charity means that people in Texas (that explains it) can get Wi-Fi by reading homeless peoples t-shirts and texting the homeless persons name thereby giving them access to a 4G hotspot. Amazing!

So as the morning progresses, I wait in anticipation as to what else I will see that will keep me amused, make me chuckle and make me think, screw the financial crisis, Kony and bank bonuses! I want news like this every morning. Makes me smile and makes me think, here’s to another great day! Enjoy it everyone, and remember it could be worse… You could be a walking homeless Wi-Fi hotspot!
