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Feb 25 - Two More Trustees Appointed To Calpe House Board

The Trustees of the Calpe House Charitable Trust have announced that James J. Neish QC and Eddie Yome CPM have been appointed to the Board of Trustees.

Therefore, the Board now will consist of the following:

The Lord Hoyle of Warrington, Patron

Charles Tilbury BEM, Chairman

Albert A Poggio OBE GMH, Vice Chairman

Charles Marfe, Secretary

Mrs Olga Zammitt OBE

Mr George Desoisa

James J Neish QC

Eddie Yome CPM

Mrs. Beverley A Black

The Trustees say they would like to take this opportunity to thank the public for the “tremendous enthusiasm” demonstrated by the public at large for the recently launched appeal in support of the new buildings in Norfolk Square, London.

Additionally, the Trustees would like to acknowledge the work undertaken by Freddie White of Grant Thornton, in providing accountancy and auditing services to the Trust over many years. 
