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Feb 11 - RGP Officer Presents Chief Minister With Tristan Da Cunha Mementoes

On his return from a secondment to Tristan da Cunha, an RGP officer has presented the Chief Minister with a plaque and a tie from the island.

PC Jonathan Barcio spent over four months on the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world, 2,000 kilometres from the nearest inhabited land, Saint Helena and 2,400 kilometres from the Republic of South Africa. His journey home to Gibraltar took thirteen days.

Whilst on Tristan de Cunha, Jonathan carried out his share of policing duties (including an arrest) but he also trained the two local policemen in personal safety techniques, the taking of statements and the preparation of court documents. He even gave lessons in English, Games and PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) at the only school on the island whose population is a mere 250 people.
