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Jul 31 – “Persistent” Burglar Jailed

A “persistent” and “opportunistic” burglar was jailed for eight weeks after pleading guilty to stealing more than £900 from the Copacabana bar earlier this month.

Jamil Medhurst, 18, of Glacis Estate, appeared before the Magistrates’ Court this morning for sentencing after pleading guilty to one count of burglary and one count of possession of cannabis resin.

Prosecutor Mark Clive Zammitt said it was around 4am when Medhurst was walking past the bar on his way home when he opened the shutter window and gained access to the premises. He opened the cash register with a screwdriver and stole the £300 float left behind and the day’s takings which was more than £600.

Medhurst was later identified on CCTV and was subsequently arrested and cautioned.

Medhurst’s lawyer Leigh Debono said: “It is unfortunate we have person before us who is quite young indeed and is very familiar with prison.”

Mr Debono described the burglary as an “impulsive offence” which was “opportunistic” as he broke into the bar on his way home.

Mr Debono said his client had a lengthy list of convictions and admitted that his client had targeted the same place before, but said this was an offence of lesser harm adding that the defendant was very keen to seek help.

When sentencing, the Lay Magistrates described Medhurst as a “persistent offender”, and sentenced him to 18 weeks in prison, but because of his young age and his early guilty plea, the sentence was reduced to eight weeks with no separate penalty for the cannabis possession.
