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Nov 22 - Canepa Makes Parliament Ruling on Feetham Complaint that Ministers 'Mis-led Parliament'

parliament During yesterday morning’s Parliament session, Speaker Adolfo Canepa responded to a complaint made by Opposition Daniel Feetham that Government ministers had misled Parliament when answering questions in relation to the Sunborn. Mr. Canepa explained that Mr. Feetham had asked for a Parliament ruling on whether the deliberate mis-leading of Parliament by a member is capable of amounting to a contempt of Parliament.

Mr. Canepa insisted that he could not see how the business of the house may have been impeded, to constitute a contempt. Mr. Feetham was told that in this situation he would have to approach the matter politically through a motion.

The Chief Minister yesterday evening claimed that he found it unusual that he was not coping into the exchange between Mr. Feetham and the Speaker. He insisted that he has never misled Parliament ‘and Mr. Feetham knows this.’ He added, ‘Mr Feetham also knows that, if he puts a motion on the subject, he will face the logic of Mr Picardo’s arguments for which he will not have an answer.’