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May 16 - Cemetery “Still In Poor State Despite Unanimous Parliamentary Motion” Says GSD

The GSD says that it is “with great disappointment” that it notes the “continued poor condition” of the cemetery and the lack of significant development in maintenance since a motion was presented by Trevor Hammond MP, GSD environment spokesman, over six months ago, a motion which was amended by Government and then passed unanimously by Parliament. The party says that such agreements are made in good faith and Ministers are expected to subsequently honour their commitments.

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May 15 - ArtDance Review

By Julian Felice

I have always considered Nathan Conroy to be one of Gibraltar’s most innovative and dynamic practitioners. While his background might be mainly in dance, he has always shown himself to be perfectly willing to embrace disciplines as diverse as body percussion, capoeira and martial arts, theatre, performance art and film. This variety was certainly in evidence in Nathan’s latest project, ArtDance 2017, an international platform that is intended to become an annual fixture in our cultural calendar.

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