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May 12 - Foreign Secretary Meets With Gibraltar Stronger In Student Campaigners

Students who are volunteering and campaigning for Gibraltar’s Stronger In group met with the UK’s Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond yesterday.

The Cabinet minister is backing the campaign to stay in Europe, and told the students this referendum is “primarily about the economy”, adding that over the past 40 years British businesses have shaped themselves around the free market.

He added that Gibraltar’s main issue in the event of Britain leaving the EU would be a lack of freedom of movement, which is the primary focus for Brexit campaigners.

Mr Hammond spent half an hour with students in the Stronger In temporary headquarters in Main Street, and answered any questions put forward by the youngsters.

After the meeting, student Max McGiffen told YGTV: “I feel very fortunate to be part of the Stronger In campaign, and I thought it was a very nice touch for Mr Hammond to come and speak to us and answer our questions as well.

“He spoke very well and was very reassuring that Gibraltar would be very high up on the British agenda in the case of a possible “Brexit”, but he also filled us with a lot of optimism that an in vote would be a secured one.”

Max said it was nice to have a UK government official come to Gibraltar and personally reassure Gibraltarians that he would always have Gibraltar’s interests in mind.

After the visit, Mr Hammon and Gibraltar Stronger In Campaign Leader Gemma Vazquez made their way down to the airport where they met with the various associations and community groups to show support for Britain remaining in the European Union.

The organisations who had the opportunity to meet the Foreign Secretary before he flew back to London were: Senior Citizens, Chamber of Commerce, GFSB, Unite, GGCA, GTA, Women in Business, Gibraltar Finance Centre Council, Self Determination for Gibraltar Group, Voice of Gibraltar, Defenders of Gibraltar, Hindu Community, Cross Frontier Group, Jewish Community, Moroccan Workers Association, Gibraltar Womens Association.
